February 22, 2025


Twenty-four days to go and I’m feeling pretty good about what I’ve accomplished thus far. I looked at luggage the other day but I’m working on cutting back to the point where I can go with what I already own. I know from experience that I won’t NEED everything I’m taking but, I AM going to areas with diverse climate/weather so it’s a bit more challenging to prepare.

I only have a few more days before I have to stop ordering anything that needs to be delivered, plus, I’m doing all this during the holiday season which I’d totally forgotten to take into account.  

Unfortunately, some things WILL have to wait until the last days/minutes. However, I did finally book a hotel for my last night here in Aurora, CO and one in Cancun for a few days (to decompress).  And while I still don’t have a “plan”, I have decided on a few places I’d like to visit and maybe stay for a month at a time.

With all this time to think, I’m relishing things I take for granted such as:

  • Buying/cooking whatever I want and/or knowing where to get it and the ease of having my things at my disposal ;
  • Facility with my language and not being forced to communicate mostly in present tense, at a 3rd grade level;
  • Mindlessly flushing toilet paper;
  • Taking long uninterrupted hot showers;
  • Sitting in silence;
  • Driving my car;
  • Not wearing a mask all the time (things are less strict here);
  • Feeling confident about my food/water source;
  • Small talk and “inside” jokes; and
  • More relaxed situational awareness (understanding social cues).

It’s all fun and games until you don’t understand what’s going on around you, can’t communicate properly, are cranky from not sleeping in your bed or not relaxed from a nice shower and want to eat something besides Mexican food (jajaja).

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